Automation Services

Elevator Pitch Automations

Elevator Pitch Automations includes:


Being online all the time is impossible. At least, for one person it is. 99% of the questions and concerns you get are redundant and people don’t always read an FAQ page before sending an inquiry.

Automatic responses are the solution. By setting up an easily trained or configured responder, your time is better used moving forward with more important things.

Automatic Emails

Email marketing is far from dead. In fact, now, more people than ever are using email to communicate for work. It takes time writing messages that touch on everything you want to say, especially when you want it to sound personal and abide by regulations.

Automating emails is like having a dedicated team of trained writers who know your products and services. Imagine how much faster workflow and scaling would become if relationships with prospects and clientele wasn’t limited to your time.

Automatic Lead Generation

Generating leads varies from industry to industry. Some businesses are looking for ordinary people. Some are looking for audiences in a specific niche. Sometimes, it takes some trial and error to find out which audiences are worth targeting.

Whatever the case is, automating this process can save you a headache and provide a better return on investment. Leads are either time-consuming or costly and should be handled with care because they are in fact human, like you and me.

The leads you seek are out there, but without help, how many people can you realistically attend to? Think of automatic lead generation as a highly trained employee who knows what to say and how to say it, so even when you need to take a break, your business continues on.

Automatic Lead Capturing

Similar to a guestbook, people who arrive at your website, video channels, social media pages, etc., will subscribe to your content, leaving behind a signature as proof they were there or as a way to be contacted. Those are quite possibly your most qualified leads.

Automatic lead capturing includes implementing various ways to obtain contact information followed by potential conversion to sale, donation or subscription. It’s the solution to “what do I do when people get here to keep them coming back?”

Automated Social Media

Every social media platform covers a variety of niches and digital content to share and use as part of your marketing strategy or funnel. Content planning, creation and marketing processes are not always simple to scale. Organic growth doesn’t happen overnight, and it takes consistency. Automating your social media accounts guarantees that consistency.

Branding with social media is a full-time job. If you could have the power of a team on your side, wouldn’t you want the help?

Automated Advertising

Advertising is about getting the highest percentage of sales, awareness or responses possible from an advertisement. That takes a lot of calculated trial and error for a human or software.

Automating one’s advertising minimizes the errors and maximizes the trials to improve returns on advertising spend. Using 20% of one’s spend on a wide audience and 80% using the data to make better hypotheses, the results are expected to improve over time.

Automating ad processes multiplies your results by eliminating the repetitive parts and implementing data-driven systems.

Search Engine Organization Automation

  • Elevator Pitch Animation: Asset Generation for SEO Campaigns
  • SEO Automations for Keywords: Help Qualified Leads Looking for Content Like Yours Find It (Perfect for Blogs, Stores, Services, & Portfolios)
  • SEO Automations for Video: Improve Accessibility to Videos Online (Perfect for Ads, Tutorials, Content Creators & More)
  • SEO Automations for Everything: Maximize Organic Traffic for More Engagement to All of Your Media & Content

And Much More (Contact for A Consultation)